Pediatric Nursing Exam Flashcards Questions
Question 1 of 5
Oligoarthritis predominantly affects the joints of the lower extremities rather than upper extremity joints. Which of the following joints is never a presenting sign of oligoarthritis?
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Interphalangeal joints are rarely affected in oligoarticular JIA.
Question 2 of 5
Matching: Anesthesia drugs
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Succinylcholine is associated with malignant hyperthermia, a life-threatening reaction with symptoms such as muscle rigidity and high fever.
Question 3 of 5
Which of the following is a common feature of polymyositis?
Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Polymyositis is primarily characterized by muscle weakness without the rash seen in dermatomyositis.
Question 4 of 5
One of the following is FALSE in hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by blood group A and B incompatibility
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The statement 'Isoimmune hemolytic disease may be found in first-born infants irrespective of infant blood group' is incorrect. Isoimmune hemolytic disease typically occurs when maternal antibodies cross the placenta and attack fetal red blood cells. This is more common in subsequent pregnancies due to sensitization during the first pregnancy.
Question 5 of 5
Initial treatment of rheumatic fever with severe carditis and congestive heart failure includes all of the following Except:
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: Aspirin is used primarily for arthritis in RF but is not a first-line treatment for severe carditis with CHF.