Health Assessment and Physical Examination Test Bank Questions
Question 1 of 5
A patient presents for evaluation of a sharp, aching chest pain which increases with breathing. Which anatomic area would you localize the symptom to?
Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The symptom described - sharp, aching chest pain that increases with breathing - is typically associated with musculoskeletal issues. The pain worsening with breathing suggests a connection to the movements of the chest wall, which could involve the muscles, bones, or joints in that area. Conditions such as costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone) or muscle strains in the chest wall are common causes of chest pain that worsens with breathing. This localization to the musculoskeletal system is based on the characteristics of the pain and how it is affected by breathing, helping to narrow down the differential diagnosis.
Question 2 of 5
A 28-year-old married clothing sales clerk comes to your clinic for her annual examination. She requests a refill on her birth control pills. Her only complaint is painless bleeding after intercourse. She denies any other symptoms. Her past medical history consists of two spontaneous vaginal deliveries. Her past six Pap smears have all been normal. She is married and has two children. Her mother is in good health and her father has high blood pressure. On examination you see a young woman appearing healthy and relaxed. Her vital signs are unremarkable and her head, eyes, ears, throat, neck, cardiac, lung, and abdominal examinations are normal. Visualization of the perineum shows no lesions or masses. Speculum examination shows a red mass at the os. On taking a Pap smear the mass bleeds easily. Bimanual examination shows no cervical motion tenderness and both ovaries are palpated and nontender. What is the most likely diagnosis for the abnormality of her cervix?
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: Given the patient's history and presentation, the most likely diagnosis for the abnormality seen on examination is a cervical polyp. Cervical polyps are benign growths that arise from the mucosal surface of the cervix. They are typically red or purple in color and can bleed easily, especially when touched, as in this case with the Pap smear causing bleeding. Cervical polyps are usually asymptomatic but can present with painless bleeding, particularly after intercourse. In this patient, the visualization of a red mass at the os during speculum examination and the finding of bleeding with manipulation support the diagnosis of a cervical polyp. Additionally, the absence of other significant findings on examination and the patient's overall healthy appearance further support this benign diagnosis. Further evaluation with possible removal of the polyp may be warranted for confirmation and to alleviate the bleeding symptoms.
Question 3 of 5
A high school soccer player "blew out his knee" when the opposing goalie's head and shoulder struck his flexed knee while the goalie was diving for the ball. All of the following structures were involved in some way in his injury, but which of the following is actually an extra-articular structure?
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Tendons are the correct answer as they are an extra-articular structure. Tendons are fibrous connective tissue that attach muscles to bones, providing stability and transmitting forces during movements. In the context of the scenario provided, the player's knee injury involved structures within the joint such as the synovium (A), joint capsule (B), and juxta-articular bone (C), but the tendons (D) are located outside of the joint itself.
Question 4 of 5
Which of the following events occurs at the start of diastole?
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: At the start of diastole, the ventricles relax and begin to fill with blood from the atria. As this relaxation phase begins, the pulmonic valve opens to allow blood to flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery and then to the lungs for oxygenation. This marks the beginning of diastole, the period of the cardiac cycle when the heart is filling with blood. The closure of the tricuspid valve, closure of the aortic valve, and production of the first heart sound (S1) occur during systole, the phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is contracting to pump blood out to the body.
Question 5 of 5
A 29-year-old married computer programmer comes to your clinic, complaining of "something strange" going on in his scrotum. Last month while he was doing his testicular self- examination he felt a lump in his left testis. He waited a month and felt the area again, but the lump was still there. He has had some aching in his left testis but denies any pain with urination or sexual intercourse. He denies any fever, malaise, or night sweats. His past medical history consists of groin surgery when he was a baby and a tonsillectomy as a teenager. He eats a healthy diet and works out at the gym five times a week. He denies any tobacco or illegal drugs and drinks alcohol occasionally. His parents are both healthy. On examination you see a muscular, healthy, young-appearing man with unremarkable vital signs. On visualization the penis is circumcised with no lesions; there is a scar in his right inguinal region. There is no lymphadenopathy. Palpation of his scrotum is unremarkable on the right but indicates a large mass on the left. Placing a finger through the inguinal ring on the right, you have the patient bear down. Nothing is felt. You attempt to place your finger through the left inguinal ring but cannot get above the mass. On rectal examination his prostate is unremarkable. What disorder of the testes is most likely the diagnosis?
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: The most likely diagnosis in this case is a scrotal hernia. The patient's history of a previous groin surgery as a baby is a key clue, as it increases the risk for developing a hernia. The lump in the left testis with aching, along with the inability to palpate above the mass through the left inguinal ring, suggests that the lump may be a hernia protruding through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. The presence of a scar in the right inguinal region also supports the likelihood of a hernia. The normal prostate on rectal examination rules out any involvement of the prostate in the presentation. Scrotal hernias may present as painless masses in the scrotum, often increasing in size with activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure, such as straining or coughing. Surgical repair is often necessary to prevent complications such as incarceration or strangulation