Pediatric Nursing Practice Questions Questions
Question 1 of 5
A four-year-old patient has been diagnosed with leukemia. The patient's parents follow the Jehovah's Witness faith and inform the physician that they will not approve any type of blood transfusions. The pediatric nurse is aware that:
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: Jehovah's Witnesses generally refuse blood transfusions, but volume expanders may be acceptable alternatives in certain situations.
Question 2 of 5
When a preschool child is hospitalized without adequate preparation, how does the child often react to the hospitalization?
Correct Answer: C
Rationale: When a preschool child is hospitalized without adequate preparation, they may often react to the hospitalization by regressing. This means that the child may revert back to behaviors that they had previously outgrown, such as bedwetting or wanting a bottle. Hospitalization can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for young children, causing them to seek comfort in familiar behaviors from earlier stages of development. This regression can provide a sense of security and control during a time of uncertainty and unfamiliar circumstances. It is important for parents, caregivers, and healthcare providers to be aware of this potential reaction and provide appropriate support and reassurance to help the child cope with the hospitalization.
Question 3 of 5
One of the following can cause unilateral dilated fixed pupil:
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Tentorial herniation leads to compression of cranial nerve III, causing a fixed, dilated pupil on the affected side due to unopposed sympathetic activity.
Question 4 of 5
All the following are recognized features of 'well-controlled' asthma in a 7-year-old boy EXCEPT
Correct Answer: D
Rationale: More than 2 exacerbations per year suggest suboptimal asthma control, requiring reassessment of management strategies.
Question 5 of 5
Low maternal serum α-fetoprotein (MSAFP) is associated with
Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Low MSAFP is associated with chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Elevated MSAFP is more commonly associated with neural tube defects and abdominal wall defects.