A 30-year-old man notices a firm, 2-cm mass under his areola. He has no other symptoms and no diagnosis of breast cancer in his first-degree relatives. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Questions 28


ATI RN Test Bank

Jarvis Physical Examination and Health Assessment Practice Questions Questions

Question 1 of 5

A 30-year-old man notices a firm, 2-cm mass under his areola. He has no other symptoms and no diagnosis of breast cancer in his first-degree relatives. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: In a 30-year-old man with a firm, 2-cm mass under his areola and no other symptoms, the most likely diagnosis is breast tissue. Gynecomastia is a common condition in males where there is proliferation of breast tissue. It typically presents as a firm subareolar mass and can occur due to hormonal imbalances, medication use, or underlying medical conditions. Given the lack of family history of breast cancer, absence of other symptoms, and the age of the patient, breast tissue is the most probable diagnosis in this case. Breast cancer is less likely in this scenario, especially without any additional concerning findings or family history. Fibrocystic disease and lymph node involvement are also less likely given the presentation of a firm mass under the areola.

Question 2 of 5

Mr. Q. is a 45-year-old salesman who comes to your office for evaluation of fatigue. He has come to the office many times in the past with a variety of injuries, and you suspect that he has a problem with alcohol. Which one of the following questions will be most helpful in diagnosing this problem?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: Asking Mr. Q. when his last drink was is an open-ended question that can provide valuable information regarding his alcohol consumption patterns. This question allows Mr. Q. to disclose whether he has been drinking recently and can help determine the frequency and quantity of his alcohol consumption. It avoids leading or judgmental language, which can help build rapport and facilitate a more honest conversation about his alcohol use. By knowing when his last drink was, you can better assess the potential impact of alcohol on his current symptoms of fatigue and further explore any potential issues related to alcohol abuse.

Question 3 of 5

Today her pressure is 168/94 and pressure on the other arm is similar. What would you do next?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: In this scenario, with a blood pressure of 168/94 on both arms, it indicates poorly controlled hypertension. Hypertension can have various causes, including kidney-related issues. Referring the patient to nephrology would be the appropriate next step to evaluate and manage any potential underlying kidney conditions contributing to the uncontrolled blood pressure. The nephrologist can conduct further tests and assessments to determine the root cause and provide specialized care for the patient's condition. This approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation and targeted management plan for the patient's hypertension.

Question 4 of 5

Which of the following percussion notes would you obtain over the gastric bubble?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: Tympany is the percussion note you would obtain over the gastric bubble. Tympany is a drum-like sound and is typically heard over air-filled structures in the body, such as the stomach, intestines, and lungs. When percussing over the gastric bubble (air-filled stomach), you would expect to hear a tympanic note due to the presence of air in the stomach creating resonance. Resonance (choice A) is a low-pitched, hollow sound heard over normal lung tissue. Hyperresonance (choice C) is an abnormally loud, booming sound heard over hyperinflated lungs, as in conditions like emphysema. Flatness (choice D) is a dull sound heard over solid organs or areas of tissue consolidation, such as over the liver or a pleural effusion.

Question 5 of 5

An elderly woman with dementia is brought in by her daughter for a "rectal mass." On examination you notice a moist pink mass protruding from the anus, which is nontender. It is soft and does not have any associated bleeding. Which of the following is most likely?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum protrudes through the anus. It typically appears as a moist, pink mass that protrudes outside the body. The prolapse is usually painless and can be seen and felt by the patient or the examiner. It is commonly seen in elderly individuals, especially women, and those with conditions like chronic constipation, pelvic floor weakness, or dementia. On the other hand, external hemorrhoids are swollen veins located around the anus, usually painful and may cause bleeding. Perianal fistula is an abnormal tunnel-like connection between the skin near the anus and the rectum, which can cause pain and discharge. Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids are internal hemorrhoids that have descended outside the anal canal and may require manual reduction. Given the symptoms described in the scenario - a moist pink mass protruding from the anus that is nontender and soft without bleeding - the most likely diagnosis is rectal prol

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