A postpartum client exhibits signs of postpartum psychosis, including hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Questions 165


ATI RN Test Bank

Adult Health Med Surg Nursing Test Banks Questions

Question 1 of 5

A postpartum client exhibits signs of postpartum psychosis, including hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: When a postpartum client exhibits signs of postpartum psychosis such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized behavior, it is crucial to involve the healthcare provider immediately. Postpartum psychosis is a psychiatric emergency that requires prompt assessment and intervention by mental health professionals. The healthcare provider can determine the appropriate course of action, which may include hospitalization, medication management, and specialized psychiatric care. Delaying notification can lead to serious consequences for both the client and her infant, so timely intervention is essential in managing postpartum psychosis.

Question 2 of 5

The nurse researcher is planning a research study that will use human subjects and their choice to participate in a specific treatment. The ethical principle that describes a prospective subject's freedom to choose whether or not to participate in the research study is what?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Respect for persons is an ethical principle that emphasizes the autonomy and freedom of individuals to make their own decisions regarding participation in research studies. In the context of human subjects research, this principle requires that individuals have the right to choose whether or not to participate in a study, without any coercion or manipulation. The principle of respect for persons also includes the concept of informed consent, where individuals must be provided with all necessary information about the study in order to make an informed decision about participation. Overall, respecting the autonomy and choices of individuals is a fundamental aspect of ethical research conduct.

Question 3 of 5

Which of the following is the central theme of Sr. Calista Roys theory

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: The central theme of Sr. Callista Roy's theory is adaptation. Roy's Adaptation Model focuses on the individual's ability to adapt to internal and external stimuli in order to maintain health and well-being. The theory emphasizes the interconnectedness of the individual and their environment, highlighting the dynamic process of adaptation in response to stimuli. By focusing on adaptation, Roy's theory guides nursing practice in promoting holistic care that supports individuals in adapting to changes and achieving optimal health outcomes.

Question 4 of 5

After the surgical procedure, the nurse assists with transferring the patient to the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). What information should the nurse provide to the PACU nurse?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: It is important for the nurse to provide the PACU nurse with the patient's intraoperative vital signs and hemodynamic parameters as this information gives insight into the patient's stability during the surgical procedure. The PACU nurse needs this data to monitor the patient's postoperative recovery, assess for any potential complications, and establish appropriate care interventions. Understanding the patient's intraoperative status allows the PACU nurse to provide a seamless continuation of care from the operating room to the post-anesthesia care unit. The details of the surgical procedure and anesthesia administration are also important but are typically conveyed through the surgical and anesthesia records. The plan for postoperative pain management and analgesic medications is essential but can be discussed and adjusted based on the patient's current status in the PACU. Documentation of the surgical count and instrument inventory is crucial for ensuring patient safety but is typically managed by the operating room team and may not be the immediate

Question 5 of 5

Given her problems of hyper vigilance and worry that something terrible will happen to her child, nursing interventions should be aimed at addressing her needs for _______.

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: Nursing interventions should be aimed at addressing the mother's needs for psychological security. Hyper vigilance and excessive worry about her child's safety indicate a lack of security in her mind. By providing support, reassurance, and education, nurses can help the mother feel more secure in her role as a parent and reduce her feelings of anxiety and distress. Establishing trust and building a therapeutic relationship can also contribute to enhancing the mother's psychological security and well-being.

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